
Roughs for Children Book

My chosen recipe - Eggless sponge

A little bit of research about egg collecting during WWI:

  • The National Egg Collection for the wounded was started in August 1915.
  • People were collecting eggs to send to wounded soldiers and sailors overseas.
  • There were over 2000 egg collection points in the UK.
  • Half a million eggs were wanted weekly!
  • Eggs were sent in special boxes and any that were broken during the transition were redistributed to hospitals in the UK. 
  • Children were encouraged to write their names and addresses on eggs. 

One wounded soldier sent this poem by way of thanks:
“We thank you here, kind lady
For the nice eggs you have sent,
Our appetite they did restore
And we pray God you send more.
We all wish you may prosper, 
And live the allotted span, 
That is the prayer you have, 
From many a wounded man.” 
J Gibbs, 8th Gordon Highlanders, 18th general hospital, France

And my roughs - a little bit of character design and 2 layouts :

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